A Goal is your ambition, object of desire, your aim of achievement, purpose and aspiration.
Also, A Goal is an aim and desire of a result that one is attempting to achieve.
To make your goals come true and achieve it, you have to set goal.
That 👆👆 will lead us to Goal setting
Goal setting is a way, procedure or process by which one lays down a simple plan, timetable, schedule or actions to make a goal realistic and easy to achieve (your aim).
Try to succeed without setting a goal is like playing a football match without aiming the goal post.
Even the best football team in the world in this kind of situation won't win a match.
There is no achievement without goals
The Secret key to greatness is willingness to set high goal
A Goal and its setting will make you enthusiastic always, gives you a drive and vision, and will also make you see your aim and dream coming true, no matter the duration.
A word says; it's better to walk slowly like a chameleon and know where you are going rather than to run faster like a horse and you don't know where you are going.
Always have focus and persistence, these are the ingredients to achieve your goal.
GOAL itself says:
G - go for excellence
O - opportunity to achieve greatness
A - action always for accomplishment
L - learn (new skills) to become legend in life.
To make your goal effective; your goal must be smart.
S - Specific
M - Measurable (course of action)
A - Action
R - Realistic
T - Timeline (Duration).
To achieve your goals, you must have these three Qualities:
√ Spark
√ Drive - Inner strength
√ Skills
SPARK: is your burning desire and your idea, that has the potential to become something greater, just as a spark can start a fire.
DRIVE: is your urge, Self-motivation, ability, coupled with ambition that compels you to achieve your aim.
SKILL: is the capacity and ability to do something well and to the very best. Your skill consists of your understanding, practical knowledge, techniques and abilities.
Skills are usually acquired or learned as we improve on our abilities (capacity), techniques and practical knowledge; to make a difference and be our very best.
Know this, No dream comes true until you wake up and go to work.
No dreamer is ever too small, no dream is ever too big.
The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.
Go for the Moon, if you don't get it, you will still be heading for A Star.
My best regards,
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